Last weekend, on Saturday, we went to a Shiba Inu-meeting/get-together/picnic, it was great. I sold raffle-tickets, and bought some as well. I won some useful stuff.
Gin got to meet his mom as well as his breeders and the people we had as teachers for our puppy-class this spring.
Bea got to lay in the sun for as long as she wanted, and they both got to meet lots of other Shibas which I think they enjoyed.
Here's a pic of Bea in the sun.

On Sunday I went to Kolmården with some Shiba-friends to meet the wolves.
They have a couple of groups of socialized wolves that they use for wolf-encounters. That means you get to go in to the pen with the wolves. It was a wonderful experience and I will go again as soon as I get a chance!
The alpha-male and female decided that my hair was either smelling really nice or wasn't dirty enough. I think I'll just let the photos Susann took say the rest :D
The next couple of wolf-photos are taken by Susann.

I took a few photos my self as well, here they are.

I also had my birthday this week. I got some really nice presents. From Roger I got Doctor Who season 1 and five of Wendy Johnson's sock-patterns. From my parents I got enough yarn (Dream in Colour Smooshy Chinatown Apple) to knit Wendy's Order to Chaos circular shawl. And some training-mats to use for blocking lace. From 2 of my sisters I got shower-stuff from Lush, some of it pictured here along with some Scrubbies I made today. And from my father-in-law and his girlfriend I got some nice Kauni Effekt-yarn that I will use for a triangular shawl I think.
I also finished mom's socks this weekend. She loves them and apparently they fit perfectly :D
Whew! That was a long post.
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