I'm feeling better today, at least enough to go to work tomorrow, don't want to miss another day of double money.
I went yarn-shopping today. Hunting for the perfect yarn-combo for my first Pratchgan-square. I didn't get the perfect purple yarn I found but I'm going to use two other yarns instead trying to make it a bit sparkly =) I already have fluffy green and fluffy orange and I got some fluffy Yellow today as well =) I'm gonna do a swatch of them tomorrow.
It feels like my Forest Canopy Shawl (FCS) is an endless project, even though I only have 16 rows left right now. Might be able to do 2 rows before bedtime tonight though. And a couple more tomorrow.
Goal for tomorrow: Finish last body pattern repeat of Forest Canopy Shawl! If I do two rows tonight I only have four left for tomorrow. And then I can start with the edge.
Bea is the best dog ever. All cuddly with me when I was feeling sick yesterday. Not complainen at all about the really short walks around the medow. Here's a pic of her when we were out walking earlier this week. For some reason I can't seem to get her to stand up in front of the camera :/
Know I'm gonna go knit on my FCS! And then go to bed.
Nite nite!